Tuesday, September 30, 2008

piadini anyone?

ok so i work for starbucks. Its really sad to say that i eat EVERYTHING. For almost the last three years i have had this wonderfully successful diet plan. Have babies eat whatever i want. Breastfeed babies eat whatever i want. So the problem? My little guy is done done done on the boob sucking thing, especially since his multiple production of razor sharp little teethies want to puncture anything within reach up to and including me. Not a fan of having the nips chomped on...say what you will but NOT FUN. So back to the topic...how to curb a uncontrolable urge to eat anything and everything in sight? I am utterly failing in my insincere attempt to reign in the ravenous monster in my tummy, so as a result I am developing a lovely innertube around my middle. So attractive. But i have made a decision. I will slowly wean myself off the yummy goodness of chocolate top pot doughnuts by taking a baby step towards healthy-ier food. next up? ooohhhh the portobello mushroom piadini...toasted a tiny bit extra...mmmmm.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hello wilson

ok so we got a new puppy...well actually technically speaking my husband got one for me for my birthday. the little guy is pretty gosh darn adorable, even when hes looking up at you with his big brown melty eyes and pissin on your kitchen floor. What we were thinking with two kidlits under the age of three and now two dogs. i dunno. well our pups have bonded fairly well. our older bailey uses bently as a chew toy and is teaching him all her annoying habits. My biggest problem? Bailey is a barker. Barks at noises she hears, the doorbell, my mother-in-laws car beeping is the biggest set-off for her. So bentley has joined the band wagon. Recently our little neighbor boy "jacob" has decided to play tease the loud obnoxious dogs next door by popping his head up and down over our fence, very wilson-esque. This fun little game of his drives Bailey and now Bentley to be-Z-erk distraction. Ugh if only i could pose with the hose just in time to get that chubby face smack on the kisser. It would make my day and help me get the nap i am so longing for.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Boys Club

Ok I was never one of those girls that had more guy friends than girls. Maybe due to my attention seeking mentality I kinda always wanted to be one. I had the fairly typical high school crowd combo and all the guy friends I currently keep in touch with are primarily reached through my hubs. Yet as I sat at the dinner table yesterday I realized I finally had achieved that personal wish. We were having ribs for dinner (definitely a masculine meal) with a football game on in the background (only allowed due to it being the season opener...usually no TV for little guys who are easily distracted from eating). Little Big guy, my two year old, was finding the tackles to be highly hilarious and was cheering alongside his daddy. Big little guy meanwhile after having smooshed arroz con pollo all over his head, was currently working his little jaws like a ravenous dog on a rib bone discarded by his dad. What a carnivore!! my old boys club is complete. What else could I ask for?

(ill post some lovely BBQ-smeared baby pics later.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

girl on girl

OK so i am soooo not a political person. i couldn't tell you what the major issues of the candidates are. or much of anything else.
BUT... I work for starbucks and in such fashion I am often on my way to work in the wee small hours of the morning. When you want to listen to anything on the radio bar music, at 4am, its usually a politically based show.
This whole Sarah Pallin (sp?) situation. I cant stand it. Makes my blood boil. I listen to these talk show hosts (male and Female hosts) condemn her for all sorts of reasons. I find it personally offensive that they think because shes a woman, because she is a mom, because she decided to have a large family, because she happens to be attractive....for some reason this dis-qualifies her from being taken seriously. I actually heard some idiot fark on the radio say that she might lose women voters because shes good lookin'. SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY?
because women are just that shallow. Just that addle minded, right?


(the title was brought to you especially for beau's enjoyment...)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

one potato two potato...

so i was motivated today to get out and DO something other than read, watch kiddie movies with the boys, or as of lately play on the puter. I somehow lifted down my bike from those hookey thingys on the ceiling. A feat in its self considering i am only 5-1/2 tall. Hooked up the kiddie bike trailer and drug the boys over to the park. whee woo I felt accomplished.

While there, watching little big guy play in the sandbox, and indiscriminately shoving raisins and goldfish into big little guys mouth, i texted a friend to meet me. It was a Beautiful day outside with capital B. I like being able to go outside without feeling like my face is going to melt off.

My friend K met me and of course our conversation revolved around babies. Both of mine, her newly born niece, and the possibilities of her future offspring. She is one of a few friends of mine who have wavered between having children and not having children. I must say one of the biggest voiced concerns and debate issues when discussing this issue with them is whether or not they will end up with UGLY babies. I find this strangely disturbing yet amusing. Maybe because my LBB was unplanned and a lovely surprise, (three months before my wedding) the thought on whether or not a beautious baby would be the result was not a worry in my head. Even when having BLB baby #2 I will admit to being concerned about my two boys being compared against each other in all aspects, but was not necessarily worried about if he would be cute or not. Is this common? I'm just curious...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

hellish days of two-yr-old-dom

guess what i just walked into? well yesterday it was coins, today the entire contents of his dresser drawers (pajamas, pants, diapers, etc etc). Plus when i peep into the room he has managed to find a bottle of baby powder and the good boy that he is put himself back into bed. the problem you ask? caught him in the midst of dumping said powder over his own head and all around. Probably was enjoy the *POOF* those bottles make when you squeeze. After a major tantrum of my own he is now successfully sequestered in his little bros pack n' play asleep. the upside? i never used that damn powder for anything else and his room smells just like a fresh baby bum from the seventies (at least that's when i assume baby powdering of bums was all the rage).
ventured out today. in the sweltering heat that is this po'dunk valley. I met my little sis and her kids at the local babies r us. I became one of "those" moms that allows their children to run amok all around the store. heck we were at babies r us... anyone there should expect it right? and those glowing expectant moms? whats a little harsh reality to bring them down to earth. anyhoo we tromped around the entire shopping center, OUTSIDE mind you in the 97-ish degree heat. YUCK. double yuck when you take into account that i made the wisely decision not to shower this morning in lieu of a speedier exit. eventually made it back to stage one at Babies R Us with two cranky kids one with a loaded poop filled diaper.

As i finished diapering big little guy in the poop/nursing room, a lady came in to join us with a large two year old and what i guess was an approx 4 month baby. we started to chat as we both nursed our younger boys. She asked how old big little guy was and i told her he was going on 2 and a half. She said that her older boy "jessie" was too. She then went on to explain that 'Jesse' was having speech delay issues and was going to a speech therapist. The poor kid hadn't even had a chance to make a peep. No explanation was necessary. No apologizing necessary. I wasn't sure what to say. "OHHH so that explains it."

Heck I could've begun making excuses seeing how Little big guy was at least a foot shorter than Jesse. "umm yeah he's a real picky eater" or " shortness/smallness runs in the family?" I don't get it. Why feel the need to explain away anything. a kid is a kid. everyone is different. Let them be and don't let our insecurities rub off. Maybe I'm being too critical. the comments caught me off guard and made the very small room even smaller and uncomfortable in the ensuing silence.

In the end little big guy and jesse were the same in their out of control rambuciousness, like caged monkeys. Crawling, scrambling, climbing, shouting and all the craziness that goes along with a care free toddler.